Saturday, August 23, 2008

Consistency IS the key!

So I ran some numbers when I got home from my weigh-in this morning, but first let me tell you what my loss was. I wasn't expecting a whole lot since I couldn't work out all week, but I did keep track of my points very closely and the result was a .6 pound loss! I'm only .4 lb. away from my goal weight! Yeah! My usual leader wasn't there today, (Charlotte was subbing - I love ya Charlotte!) so in a way I was okay with not making my goal because I want him there to share in the joy since he's seen me through this whole journey.

So, back to the numbers. I found some very interesting things about my weight-loss. I've been at this a total of 71 weeks now (about 1-1/2 years), and my average weekly loss has been .7 lb. So what does that mean, you ask? Well, I'll tell you. I also ran numbers just since the beginning of this year because I had set a goal in January of losing 1 pound a week (on average). I wanted to see where I was on that. So we are in week 35 of this year and I have lost 24.8 pounds this year alone. So I didn't meet my 1 pound a week average, but in figuring out what I did average, I found it was .7 pounds! The same as it's been for the entire length of my doing WW! Also, the first week of the year was at the halfway point thus far (36 weeks). So at that point I had a total loss of 24.8 pounds (May thru December). And if I look at the last 35 weeks (January thru August), I've also lost 24.8 pounds! Crazy! It's been so consistent! That just shows me that it pays to keep on going even when you feel like your not making any progress. I have lost .7 pounds a week on average consistently! I also looked back at my weigh-ins for the past few months and found a rough pattern every 4 weeks with losses of 1.6 lbs.. 1.2 lbs., .6 lbs., 0 lbs. (not always those exact numbers, but pretty close to that pattern). So that shows me that my body has a pattern of weight loss. I will have 2 weeks of big losses, then I will start to slow down, then it will pick back up again. The key is to hang in there and keep doing what you know is right during those low points. Don't be discouraged when your weight-loss slows down, it's just your body trying to balance itself out. It was so encouraging to see this.

So, hopefully, next week I'll be celebrating reaching my goal weight! Oh yeah, and I'm officially under 140 lbs. at WW now!

Thursday, August 21, 2008

1 Pound to Goal!

I officially lost 1.2 pounds at my WI on Saturday. Not as much as I thought I had according to my home scale (still under 140 there), but still a good loss! I think my home scale wasn't correct because my baby girl had been sitting and stomping on it recently. I'll have to recalibrate it somehow. At WW I am at exactly 140 pounds! That's 49 pounds lost! I decided I want my Lifetime goal to be 139 pounds because that is an even 50 pounds lost, and it's under 140 which is where I want to be. I can always loss more weight later if I want to, but I never want to go over 140 again!

I haven't been able to workout all week because of the weather and other things going on, so I'm not sure if I'll reach my goal at this weekend's WI. I've been watching my points closely all week, but have also had to hurdle a couple of birthday parties with awesome cakes! I really miss my step class though! I can't wait to get back to a normal schedule next week!