Monday, July 28, 2008

Back to the Basics

So my vacation is over. Actually, it was over a week ago, but you know it takes time to get back into your "real" life. I didn't do to badly either considering I didn't weigh myself for 12 days and wasn't keeping track of points. I just drank a lot of water, kept my portions in control, and stayed active by doing 1-hour workouts, whitewater rafting, or walking. When I got home and stepped on my scale the morning after we returned, I was only up 2 pounds. I had 4 days until my weigh-in on Saturday at my WW meeting. I went to the Y everyday to workout and ate carefully. Except for cake my son and I made together on Friday. I overindulged in that by having 2 servings! What can I say, I have a weakness! But I ended up skipping dinner to make up for the cake. At my weigh-in on Saturday I was down 6/10th of a pound!

I'm hoping to have a good loss this week. We didn't go out to eat this weekend which really helped. We invited some friends over and I made a healthy, low-fat spaghetti with a salad and garlic bread. I also got rid of the rest of the cake by sharing it with everyone! And also had one last piece for myself with some low-fat frozen yogurt. On Sunday, we normally go out to lunch with our friends after church but none of us were able to make it this weekend. So, my husband went out and got a sub from Subway.

So, I'm on the right track for loosing weight this week and getting back on track to my Lifetime goal. I'm hoping to be there by my son's birthday, but that is only 4 weeks away now. I have no room for backsliding, so I need to stick to my good habits. It's just a matter of following the basics: drink plenty of water, write down and keep track of points for what I eat, and exercise!

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